Pinstar Plays Airborne Kingdom #1: My Kingdom For Some Safety Railings

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Airborne Kingdom is an adventure city builder with a unique aesthetic and premise. You are the ruler of a literal city in the sky that roams the lands helping those who live on the ground as well as grabbing resources to grow and supply the city. Being that you command a flying city, you must balance a few more factors not normally included in a more traditional city builder such as lift, propulsion, coal and balance. Can we keep our city growing without it plummeting to the earth?

Airborne Kingdom is available now on the Epic game store. Its base price is $20, but you can use Epic’s holiday $10 off coupon to get it for as little as $9.99

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FTC Disclaimer: This press key was provided to me free of charge, but does not impact my opinion of the game.



7 thoughts on “Pinstar Plays Airborne Kingdom #1: My Kingdom For Some Safety Railings”

  1. I enjoy this game. It's not deep in the way city builders usually are but the aeronautical aspects make it surprisingly deep in ways I've never had to think about before.


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