The Last of Us: Part 2 Continues to DOMINATE #BAFTA | Press Start

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16 thoughts on “The Last of Us: Part 2 Continues to DOMINATE #BAFTA | Press Start”

  1. This video told me that Luke hasn't seen sunny in Philadelphia, so I would like to tell Luke that he should go and watch it because it is a very good show.

  2. Dude what?! Ghost of Tsushima is half-assed Far Cry 4 and Assassins Creed?! Haha, I know this is your opinion, but Far Cry 4 and Assassins Creed are nowhere near in the same league as Ghost. I respect you and think you’re awesome, but I had to turn it off right there, Luke 🤣

  3. I struggle to justify the last of us 2 as a masterpiece. So much of it is brilliant. But the story is flawed. I’ve just restarted The Outer Worlds and they seem to effortlessly create loveable characters from nothing. TLoU2 just tries too hard. It’s almost like they set themselves a challenge to create the most hated character you could imagine and then it was down to them turn you round. They’ve even admitted as much. Instead of that, why didn’t they just craft a worthwhile story? With Abby included. Both main characters are wasted for most parts.

  4. How TLOU2 was not even nominated for best narrative is beyond me. IMO it has the best narrative in any video game to date. I wish the jury would provide some sort of justification to what they nominate for these awards, because I'd love to hear them defend their choice to nominate AC: Valhalla for best narrative.

    Also, you guys know that RDR2 was snubbed for best narrative, too. It wasn't even nominated.


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